
B2B SaaS lead generation strategies that work

Publish DateMarch 13, 2024

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Consistent B2B SaaS lead generation is crucial to the smooth functioning of your business. This is how you find new customers who not only use your product but also spread the word.

However, collecting new leads may feel like climbing a steep mountain, especially if you are in a competitive market.

And then you also want quality leads because you don’t want your sales team wasting time on people who aren’t really interested in your offer.

The thing is, lead generation can be easy if you know the right strategies. That’s why, in this post, we’ll share five inbound lead generation strategies for B2B SaaS businesses.

We’ll show you how you can attract a steady stream of quality leads even while you are asleep. But let’s first understand…

What is lead generation for B2B SaaS?

Some people think lead generation is collecting random email addresses. They can’t be more wrong. B2B SaaS lead generation is identifying businesses that are a perfect fit for your product and have the pain points your solution can fix.

In this post, we will focus on inbound lead generation because it is much easier and more effective. Here, you attract quality leads without wasting your time on cold emails or burning money on ads.

How does that happen? Well, you create quality content like blog posts and eBooks that your potential customers find interesting and informative. This content positions you as an authority in your field and builds trust with potential customers.

This way, they are more likely to fill out your contact form and convert into your leads. Let’s take a look at how can you generate more leads in SaaS…

5 B2B SaaS lead generation strategies you must try

1. Strengthen your LinkedIn presence

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional platform, with over 1 billion users worldwide. That’s a massive audience waiting to discover your product.

LinkedIn lets you laser-focus on your target customer and connect with decision-makers in a professional setting. No other social media can offer this kind of precision in targeting.

That’s why 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation, with 62% reporting successful outcomes.

Here are some LinkedIn tips for b2b SaaS lead generation:

1. Create a killer profile: This is your landing page. It should clearly tell what problem your product solves and showcase your expertise.

2. Share valuable content: It could be industry insights, tips, and success stories to position you as an expert and build trust. People are more likely to do business with someone they see as knowledgeable and reliable.

3. Engage with others: Comment on your ICP’s posts, slide into DMs, and participate in industry discussions to build relationships and nurture leads.

Just focus on delivering value consistently, and your LinkedIn page will turn into a lead-capture machine.

2. Use an AI Copilot for website visitors

Most B2B SaaS websites are cluttered and unclear. They are loaded with information and are difficult to navigate, confusing visitors and driving away potential sales.

What if someone stood beside each visitor and helped them find what they needed? Well, that’s what an AI copilot does. And this brings us to one of the best B2B SaaS lead generation strategies: using an AI copilot.

AI copilot is an advanced tool that personalizes the website experience for each visitor, guiding them to the information and solutions they need.

AI copilot is smart. It understands your visitors’ needs and offers quick responses that sound just like humans. It can answer FAQs, suggest demos, recommend products, and handle objections. This dramatically increases engagement, improves user experience, and brings more sales opportunities.

The best part? AI copilot helps you with 24/7 lead capture. It engages with your website visitors, qualifies leads, and collects their contact details around the clock. This way, you transform your website into a lead-generation powerhouse.

3. Offer a free trial of your product

This B2B SaaS lead generation strategy is a great way to reduce friction and find more leads.

It allows your potential customers to test your software without any commitment and see firsthand how it solves their specific problems.

Here are 2 common types of free trials for B2B SaaS:

1. Time-limited: You offer full access to the product for a set period. For instance, 30 days.

2. Freemium model: You offer a free version of the product with limited features and no time restrictions. 

Don’t overwhelm users with a complex sign-up process. Make it super easy by asking only for their name and email. This way, you can keep in touch and nurture them through email.

While in the trial period, offer clear instructions, walkthrough videos, and quality support so that users have a smooth experience.

The goal is to make them fall in love with your product so that they will have no other option but to purchase the premium version.

4. Write blog posts that satisfy the Search Intent

Writing blog posts gives you organic traffic. Most of us do it. But not all of us take care of the Search Intent.

Search Intent is the goal people have when they type a query into the search engine.

You see, search engines want to provide relevant results to users and satisfy Search Intent. So when you understand that Search Intent and create content that satisfies it, your chances of ranking increase.

How do you do that? Start with studying your audience. Who are you trying to reach? What are their challenges and pain points? Do keyword research to identify the questions (keywords) they’re asking on Google.

Now, to figure out the search intent behind a keyword, type the keyword into Google and see which posts are ranking on the first page.

If you search “productivity tool” on Google, you’ll see that the results are dominated by searches that provide a list of the best productivity tools. Those results are there because that’s what people are looking for. Now if you write a post explaining what a productivity tool is, it most probably won’t rank on the first page.

The results on the first page have passed Google’s Search Intent test, which is why they are there. So you’ve to create similar content but add something new to the topic.

When you take care of the Search Intent, you make users as well as Google happy. So, your blog content ranks high in search results and elevates your B2B SaaS lead generation.

5. Run webinars to interact with your audience

This B2B SaaS lead generation strategy is a fantastic way to connect with your target audience. You can answer their questions in real time, address specific concerns, and build trust through open communication.

No wonder webinars are the preferred content format for 91% of B2B professionals. And 73% of B2B marketers agree that webinars generate high-quality leads.

How to do it? Just share social media posts to get the word out about your webinar. Ask for their contact details to register for the webinar.

Here are some tips for high-converting webinars:

1. Focus on topics relevant to your target audience’s pain points. Don’t just talk about your product.

2. Partnering with well-respected figures in your industry can boost your webinar’s credibility and attract more audiences.

3. You can educate potential customers about the challenges they face and how your solution can address them.

4. After the webinar, you can send a recording or additional resources to those who registered and add a clear call to action, like a free trial or product demo.

This way, you can attract qualified leads who are ready to take the next step with your B2B SaaS business. And now you know how do SaaS companies generate leads.

What’s the best B2B SaaS lead generation strategy?

Nothing can beat a website copilot when it comes to lead generation. And we have a really smart AI copilot, AI Nav. This innovative tool automates support and sales, helps you save big money, and increases your business productivity. With seamless user experiences and 24/7 lead capture, you can easily convert website traffic into qualified leads. Visit this page to learn more about AI Nav.

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